

Well hello and wel­come to Lil Legs Orig­i­nals!


If you are look­ing for a one-of-a-kind gift; a beau­ti­ful heir­loom to trea­sure and use; a per­son­al­ized goodie; or some­thing unique and hand­crafted you’ve come to the right place!


It’s the spe­cial touches that make you appre­ci­ate all the lit­tle details.  That’s what mak­ing some­thing hand­made is really all about.  Along with soft, sweet things for babies, you’ll find a vari­ety of other hand­made, unique, giftable, durable items.  I’m inspired by gor­geous colors, beau­ti­ful fab­rics, and any­thing that’s a bit whim­si­cal! My hopes are that you truly enjoy and trea­sure my cre­ations.  ALL items are hand­made with care, love, and atten­tion to detail in a smoke-free home.  I strive to use “made in the USA”  fab­rics, yarns, bat­tings, threads, tools and notions in my hand­made products.


Life is too short to not be bliss­fully cre­at­ing some­thing spe­cial, sweet, unique and beautiful!


So come on in and take look around!  My Shop



If you have a spe­cial request or ques­tions, please con­tact me!

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